Health, Safety, Environment (HSE)
EVICCO are certified for OHSAS 18001:2007 the dedicated QHSE team has developed the management systems and procedures; they have monitored the implementation of this system and carry out audits to ensure continued compliance.
This policy sets out the commitment, requirements and expectations with regards to the health and safety management for our people, places of work, projects and associated activities.
This health and safety policy also sets out the role, obligations and actions required during all stages of our projects and maintenance contracts. This is to ensure the core requirements of the regulations and other relevant legislation are met and that appropriate support will be provided to all parties to ensure the highest standards of health and safety are achieved.
The same commitment is expected from all parties, consultants and contractors, involved in every project from executive and senior level to the workforce. We believe that clients, designers, contractors and health and safety professionals all have a vital role to play in ensuring health and safety risks are managed effectively during projects and maintenance contracts. By insisting that all participants adhere to common health and safety standards, EVICCO seeks to ensure that every project is delivered without any injury or ill health affecting anyone involved.
Our Policy
Our Health and Safety Policy objective is to generate sustainable long-term total returns for our owners and we do this by creating places people prefer. As well as being a moral obligation, careful management of health and safety is a key component in providing our solutions and services to our customers. In addition, it improves our operational resilience and enhances our attractiveness as an employer and partner of choice for clients, suppliers and the local communities in which we operate. Together these factors make a significant contribution towards our overall objective and this policy sets out our approach.
Our Health and Safety Mission
- We are committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all clients and places we manage, and to the wellbeing of our staff.
- We aim to be a leader in our industry and set ourselves ambitious targets which we monitor our performance against.
- We are committed to continuous improvement in health and safety management and performance, including throughout our supply chain.
- To provide and maintain plant and equipment as well as systems of work that are safe and without risks to health;
- To make arrangements for the safe use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances;
- To provide such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety of the users of our buildings and those involved in our head office activities;
- To maintain a safe means of access to and egress from our properties, including our head office;
- To provide and maintain environments at our properties, including our head office, which are safe and without risks to health
- The form and structure of management oversight and co-ordination of the company’s response to health and safety risks;
- The establishment and review of our health and safety objectives and how progress against these is measured and monitored;
- The use of risk assessments in each area of the business enabling us to respond to identified health and safety risks and achieve continuous improvement;
- Establishment and implementation of relevant policies and procedures.
The approach is to ensuring that all staff are aware of their responsibilities in respect of health and safety and are properly trained to be able to fulfill these responsibilities is owned by the General Manager with health and safety responsibility. This policy will be reviewed periodically and not less than once a year, to ensure that it fit for purpose and adhered to.
Governance of this Policy
This policy statement applies to all of our activities at our company locations and at our customers sites and as remains appropriate and aligned with the activities, objectives and strategy of the company. This policy is made available to all staff within the staff handbook, available on the company’s intranet system. It will be covered in induction training for all new staff, and ongoing periodic health and safety training for existing staff
where appropriate.
The following are personal conduct standards to be followed by all persons associated with our projects and maintenance contracts.
- Understand and abide by the EVICCO Health & Safety Policy as outlined in our Health & Safety Policy.
- Always work in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations for all projects and maintenance contract we undertake.
- Co-operate with Ministry of Labor inspectors, safety coordinators, Worker Health and Safety representatives, supervisors and others who are attempting to achieve and maintain a healthy and safe workplace.
- Report to the Safety Officer for any problem with equipment that may endanger personnel.
- Report to the Safety Officer for any contravention of The OHSA and Regulations or hazards on the project.
- Report All Accidents/Injuries Immediately to the Safety Officer.
- Do not engage in horseplay or fighting.
- Read and follow all posted notices and warnings.
- Always wear and use properly the personal protective equipment that is required when working on the site.
- Rings, jewelry and loose clothing must not be worn in work situations where they present a risk of personal injury.
- Shirts and long pants should be worn at all times to protect all employees and site workers from burns and minor abrasions.
- Intoxication or possession of alcohol or illicit drugs will not be permitted on the job. Use of prescription drugs is permitted if used as directed by a medical physician, and provided it does not affect your ability to perform work safely and efficiently.
- If you are not familiar with the use of any equipment, machinery, or tools ask your supervisor for assistance.
- Do not disturb fellow workers while they are setting up or operating any equipment or machinery.
- A clean work area in most cases is also a safe work area. Always keep work areas and access ways clean and free of spills, scrap, debris, and congestion.
- The drivers of all vehicles must adhere to posted speed limits throughout sites.
- Grease, oil spills or other slippery substances are to be cleaned up immediately.
- Personal cell phones/Radios/Walkman’s are not allowed, and shall not be used by any person while working on the project.
- Refueling of vehicles and equipment shall only be done while the engine is turned off.
- Throwing material from scaffolding or any above ground elevation will not be permitted.
- Compressed air is not to be used for cleaning the person or his clothing. Anyone in the area where air is being used for cleaning purposes must wear eye protection.